128 Huanshan Road, Tai 'an City
Main Categories:
Textile,Computer Products,Fashion Accessories
Internet sales (except sales of licensed goods); Sales of electronic products; Machinery and equipment sales; Wholesale of electronic components; Sales of machinery parts and spare parts; Sales of plastic products; Sales of needle textiles; Toy sales; General merchandise sales; Furniture sales; Wholesale of arts and crafts and collectibles (except ivory and its products); Packaging materials and products sales; Sound equipment sales; Rubber products sales; Apparel retail; Shoes and hats retail; Retail of computer hardware, software and ancillary equipment; Software sales; Retail of electronic components; Sales of metal products; Metal ore sales; Enterprise management consulting; Information consulting services (excluding licensed information consulting services); Socio-economic advisory services; Conference and exhibition services; Domestic trade agent; Import and export agent; Import and export of goods; Technology import and export. (Except for the items subject to approval according to law, independently carry out business activities according to law with the business license)